10 Amazon Products For Every Expecting Mom

When new mothers are expecting, it can be quite overwhelming to think about the millions of things they are going to need for their new journey in caring for their newborn. Especially, first time moms might who might be overwhelmed by the thought of knowing where to even start, (we speak from experience!) Whether its your first time or your are an experienced mom, we've put together a list of our mom-approved must haves for ALL moms that go beyond the basic pump, diapers and wipes! So if you have been asking yourself what should I add to my registry? Did I get everything I need? Make sure to browse through this list for our most recommended products for expecting moms!

#1: Milkies Milk Tray: Freeze your Breastmilk - 1 oz. stick


If you plan on breastfeeding, these silicone freeze trays are a must have! While you can easily get the plastic freeze bags for breastmilk, we highly suggest this instead! This is our pick versus plastic bags because it is made free of BPA, phtalates and dyes unlike plastic bags which can also transfer microplastics into your breastmilk. These tray has 8 slots that can accommodate 1 oz. in each slot. So you can freeze 1 oz bars and take out as many as you need for each feeding, making it easy to measure and easy to store. Also, did we mention you won't ever have to panic that you ran out of out of bags declaring an emergency trip to the store!  Additionally, once your little one transitions out of breastmilk into purees', you can use the trays to freeze any homemade baby food you make. You can thank us later ;)


#2: BackSeat Baby Video Monitor 

Gone are the outdated baby mirror monitors! While those were helpful, technology has come along and replaced the old fashioned mirrors with live HD video monitoring. The great feature of this nifty gadget is that it also has night vision capability, so you can toss that outdated headrest mirror away and replace it with a video monitor! 



#3: 3-in-1 Baby Bottle Warmer, Steam Sterilizer, and Food Warmer


Most people end up buying one device to warm up baby bottles and one device to sterilize baby items. With this compact multiuse device, you can achieve multiple functions with just one item taking up valuable counter space. This safe and effective method of warming up formula and breast milk is much safer and more nutritious for your developing little one versus using a microwave. This also evenly warms up the bottles so you don't have to worry about scolding your baby's mouth with uneven heat distribution a microwave would cause to the milk. 


#4: Baby Nasal Aspirator



Be it be electric or manual, a nasal aspirator is a must have essential item for your newborn! Help prevent a fussy baby whos nasal passage is clogged and bothersome, with a baby nasal aspirator. This will help suck out any mucus build up so they can breath freely and pain free. 

#5: Little Remedies New Baby 6 Pcs Essentials Kit


This inexpensive kit will have your back in the fussiest of situations! This all-in-one bundle contains: Saline spray/drops, a nasal aspirator, gas relief drops, infant fever & pain reliever, gripe water and Boudreaux's butt paste. No matter if its an upset stomach, or a stuffy nose, or the torturous coughs, you have a solution to soothe the pain until the next trip to the drug store. Add it to your registry or buy one for yourself, so you have a lifeline when the time comes.

#6: Gently Weighted Infant Sleep Sack

Having a newborn who sleeps more than 2 hours a night is a blessing! We love these weighted sleep sacks as they provide your little one the gentle comfort they crave to allow them to sleep peacefully for longer stretches of time. The sacks are designed to mimic the sensation of them being touched by you and sleeping in your arms. The low gentle weight gives your newborn the safety and reassurance they need to sleep calmly for an average of 1-2 extra hours a night. Don't believe, we understand we were skeptical too at first, but read the reviews and see for yourself!

#7: Bath Kneeler with Elbow Pad Rest Set


Now this item might be for when you little one is a tad older, but knowing about it now can help you add it to your registry in time for someone to buy it for you! Giving our little ones a bath can range from the kitchen sink, to a baby bathtub on the counter and various other ways. If you are limited on space and plan to use the baby bathtub inside of your bathtub, this knee and elbow pad can come in handy even before your baby is taking baths in the big boy/girl tub! In any case, save yourself the pain and add this miracle of a product to your "I need it" list today!  

#8:Portable Pacifier Sanitizer


What does every baby LOVE to do? You guessed it! Throw their pacifier on the ground! In the car, at the store, at doctors office, at the park and just about everywhere else, that binky will wind up on the ground collecting germs! This handy little UV ray sanitizer will help you keep their favorite paci clean of germs no matter what surface they threw it on. If this item doesn't fit your needs, BabyBarnTown does sell an adjustable portable sanitizer that works not just for pacifiers but for baby bottles as well, you can view it by clicking here.

#9: Shopping Cart Cover


Easily forgotten, a shopping cart cover is a perfect way of keeping your little ones developing immune system safe! Shopping carts are exposed to millions of germs and bacterial each day as they come in contact with several individuals. A shopping cart cover not only keeps your baby healthy, but entertained and comfortable so you can browse the store with little interruptions and two free hands. 

#10: Dr. Brown's Formula Mixing Pitcher


Whether it's that you need to supplement with formula, you exclusively formula feed or even breastfeed, this formula mixing pitcher is a time saver! The mixing pitcher allows you to pre-make several formula bottles in one sitting and save it in the fridge throughout the day! Every minute counts with a newborn, am I right? Many women, including us have also found that the pitcher comes in extremely hand when pumping, as you can add the extra milk throughout the day to the pitcher and then, freeze it all at once at the end of the day using the Milkies Milk Tray (#1 on the list). For under $10, its a must have either way in our book!



We hope you were able to find some items on our list of "10 Amazon Products For Every Expecting Mom" that you will get great use out of! Let us know in the comments below, what items YOU consider a must-have for any expecting mom!

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